Resources - Alphabetical
- 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- American Red Cross
- Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
- App and Website: DeepL
- App and Website: Google Translate
- App: BetterSleep
- App: Breathe2Relax
- App: Daily Workouts: Home Trainer
- App: Day Transitions
- App: Evernote
- App: Focus Keeper: Time Management
- App: Grammarly
- App: Headspace
- App: My Study Life
- App: MyPlan
- App: Slumber
- App: Victims Voice
- Article: 10 Examples of Verbal Harassment in the Workplace
- Article: 10 Tips for Mastering Time Management at School or Work
- Article: 10 Ways to Support a Healthy Body Image
- Article: 12 Steps to Dealing With Bad Neighbors
- Article: 14 Tips for Test Taking Success
- Article: 14 Ways to Calm Anxious Thoughts
- Article: 20 Tips for How to Sleep Better
- Article: 20 Ways to Help Students Who Struggle with Anxiety
- Article: 21 Ideas for Paying for Study Abroad
- Article: 3 Keys to Resolving Conflict
- Article: 5 Tips for Dealing with Neighbor Noise
- Article: All About Family Stress
- Article: Bad Grades 101: How to Get Over a Bad Grade in 10 Easy Steps
- Article: Being Anti Racist
- Article: BetterHelp: Peer Pressure
- Article: BetterHelp: What is Self Esteem and How Can You Improve It?
- Article: BetterUp: How to Navigate the Effects of Peer Pressure at Work
- Article: Body Image Effects & Representation
- Article: Conflict Resolution Skills
- Article: Cultural Competency
- Article: Dealing with Roommates
- Article: Domestic Violence and Abuse
- Article: Examining the Theory of Historical Trauma Among Native Americans
- Article: Expert Advice on How to Make Friends in College
- Article: Exploring Family Dynamics and Stress Among Asian-American/Pacific Islanders
- Article: Facing the Culture Shock of College
- Article: Family Stress: Examples, Causes & How to Handle Them
- Article: Financial Aid for Undocumented Students
- Article: Finding and Applying for Scholarships
- Article: Getting Help for Abuse
- Article: Grief: Going Beyond Death and Stages
- Article: Healthy Bodies Safer Sex Guide
- Article: Help Guide: Anxiety
- Article: Help for Men Who are Being Abused
- Article: Homesickness in College: 22 Tips to Cope
- Article: Homesickness: Signs, Effects & Seven Ways to Cope
- Article: How Self Esteem Affects Social Anxiety Disorder
- Article: How to Access College Disability Services and Accommodations
- Article: How to Budget for Grad School Applications
- Article: How to Complain About Your Noisy Neighbors Without Being a Jerk
- Article: How to Deal With Homesickness in College
- Article: How to Deal With Roommate Problems
- Article: How to Deal With Your First Bad Grade in College
- Article: How to Get Out of an Abusive Relationship
- Article: How to Have Tough Family Conversations
- Article: How to Manage Conflict With a College Roommate
- Article: How to Study For Exams
- Article: How to Tell Your Family You're Not Coming Home for the Holidays
- Article: Implicit Bias, Microaggressions and Stereotypes Toolkit
- Article: JED Foundation: Dealing with Homesickness
- Article: Microaggressions are a big deal: How to talk them out and when to walk away
- Article: Most Common Types of Harassment
- Article: Principles of Effective Time Management
- Article: Racial Trauma
- Article: Racial Trauma and PTSD
- Article: Responding to Microaggressions and Unconscious Bias
- Article: Sample Letter: Letter of Complaint to Your Landlord
- Article: So Your College Roommate Sucks. Here’s How to Deal.
- Article: Strategies to Cope with Family Stress
- Article: Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education
- Article: Successful Students Embrace a Diverse Community
- Article: The Americans with Disabilities Act and Your Rights as a College Student
- Article: The Importance of Domestic Violence Counseling
- Article: We Have to Talk: A Step-By-Step Checklist for Difficult Conversations
- Article: What Are the Signs of Domestic Violence?
- Article: What To Do If You Are Accused of Cheating
- Article: What is Considered Harassment?
- Article: What is DV Counseling?
- Article: What is Historical Trauma
- Article: What to Do if You Are Falsely Accused of Academic Misconduct
- Article: Why Am I So Tired And How Do I Beat Fatigue?
- Article: Why Am I So Tired? 12 Reasons (Plus Solutions)
- Article: Why Your Brain Loves It when you Exercise, Plus 3 Easy Ways to Work Out at Home
- Association of Community Ministries
- Athletics
- BRICC Coalition
- Bates Community Development Corporation (BCDC)
- Blessings in a Backpack
- Blog: Good Financial Cents
- Blog: Money Ning
- Bursar's Office
- Campus Health
- Campus Housing
- Campus Store
- Cardinal Card Office
- Cardinal Cupboard
- Career Center - Military & Veteran Resources
- Career and Education Community Resources
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- Center for Military-Connected Students
- Chat Line: Victim Connect Online Chat Line
- Chat: Q Chat Space
- Clothing Community Resources
- Coalition for the Homeless
- College of Arts and Sciences Advising
- College of Business Advising
- College of Education and Human Development Advising
- Community Services for Children
- Counseling Center
- Cultural Center
- Daily Lunch Program at Cathedral of the Assumption
- Dare to Care Food Bank
- Dean of Students Office
- Dining Services
- Disability Resource Center
- Eating Anxiety Treatment Laboratory and Clinic
- Ekstrom Library
- Emergency Broadband Benefit
- Emergency Fund
- Emergency Shelter Community Resources
- EngageUofL
- Exploratory Advising
- Family & Children's Place
- Feeding Kentucky
- Fifth Third Bank
- Financial Aid Office
- Financial Wellness for College Students
- Food Pantry
- Graduate School
- Guide: Do You Need Money for College or Career/Trade School?
- HSC - School of Public Health & Information Sciences (SPHIS) Office of Student Services
- Health Promotion
- Honors Program Advising
- Hotline: ADA Information Line
- Hotline: Anti-Hazing
- Hotline: Crisis Text Line
- Hotline: Disaster Distress Helpline
- Hotline: National Center for Victims of Crime
- Hotline: National Domestic Violence Hotline
- Hotline: National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
- Hotline: RAINN: (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) National Sexual Assault Hotline
- Hotline: SAMHSA National Helpline
- Hotline: Stomp Out Bullying Crisis Line
- Hotline: StrongHearts Native Helpline
- Hotline: Trans Lifeline
- Hotline: US Department of Health & Human Services Prenatal Care Phone Line
- Hotline: US National Human Trafficking Hotline
- Hotline: Veteran's Crisis Line
- Hotline: Victim Connect Phone Line
- Household Assistance - Neighborhood Place
- Housing Stabilization Appointment Scheduler
- In The Rooms:
- Indeed
- Infographic: Cultural Responsiveness to Racial Trauma
- Information Technology
- International Student & Scholar Services Office
- Intramurals
- Jefferson County, Kentucky Emergency Assistance
- Jewish Family & Career Services
- Kent School of Social Work Advising
- KentuckianaWorks
- Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs (KASAP)
- Kentucky Autism Training Center
- Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CFHS)
- Kentucky Career Center
- Kentucky Homeownership Protection Center
- Kentucky Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Kentucky Unemployment Insurance Benefits
- LG&E Assistance Programs
- LGBT Center
- LGBTQIA+ Community Resources
- Lactation Rooms
- Legal and Safety Community Resources
- Louisville Free Public Library
- Louisville Homeless Shelter Directory
- Louisville Metro Housing Authority
- Louisville Recovery Community Connections (LRCC)
- Louisville Urban League
- Louisville Water Company Drops of Kindness
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Meals and Food Resources
- Metropolitan College
- MyKY
- New Directions Housing Corporation (NDHC)
- Noble H. Kelley Psychological Services Center (PSC)
- Off-Campus Housing
- Office of Admissions
- Office of Diversity Education and Inclusive Excellence
- Office of Education Abroad
- Office of Student Involvement
- Online Course: Hazing Prevention for Students: Elective Course
- Online Course: Paths to Recovery After Abuse and Trauma
- Online Course: The Body Positive
- Online Courses: Prevent.Zone by AliveTek
- Open Door Ministry
- Open Hand Kitchen
- Organization: Alcoholics Anonymous
- Organization: BetterHelp
- Organization: Brain Injury Association
- Organization: Center for First Generation Student Success
- Organization: Center for Young Women's Health
- Organization: Concussion Legacy Foundation
- Organization: Culina Health
- Organization: Families Anonymous
- Organization: Food Finder: Find Your Local Food Bank
- Organization: GLAAD
- Organization: Good Therapy
- Organization: Gordie Center
- Organization: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
- Organization: Joyful Heart Foundation
- Organization: NAACP
- Organization: Narcotics Anonymous
- Organization: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
- Organization: National Association of Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders
- Organization: National Center for Transgender Equality
- Organization: National Center for Victims of Crime
- Organization: National Center for Victims of Crime
- Organization: National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health
- Organization: National Coalition for Sexual Health
- Organization: National Council for Adoption
- Organization: National Equity Project
- Organization: National LGBTQ Task Force
- Organization: National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA)
- Organization:
- Organization: PFLAG
- Organization: Planned Parenthood
- Organization: Samaritans Hope
- Organization: Scholarship America
- Organization: Talkspace
- Organization: The Trevor Project
- Personal Counseling Services, Inc.
- Podcast: Antibullying 101 Podcast
- Podcast: Anxiety Slayer
- Podcast: It's About Time: Time Management & Productivity for Work Life Balance
- Podcast: Speaking of Psychology: How to combat microaggressions, with Derald Wing Sue, PhD
- Podcast: Stories of Recovery
- Podcast: The Self Esteem & Confidence Mindset Podcast with Jonny Pardoe
- Podcast: Wall Street Journal: Your Money Briefing Podcast
- Portland Food Pantry
- Public Services Community Resources
- Registrar's Office
- Religious Life Association
- Rent Assistance Programs
- Resource and Community Services
- SMART Recovery
- Scholarships and Other Aid
- School of Dentistry Advising (Dental Hygiene Program)
- School of Music Advising
- School of Nursing Advising
- School of Public Health and Information Sciences (SPHIS) Advising
- Seven Counties Services
- Smoking Quitline
- Speed School Advising
- St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
- Start Your Recovery: Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers
- Student Advocate
- Student Government Association
- Student Grievance Officer
- Student Recreational Center
- Student Success Center
- Support Group: Learn to Cope
- TRIO Student Support Services
- Text Line: National Domestic Violence Text Line
- Text Line: Postpartum Support International
- The Center for Women and Families
- The Community Asset Registry for the Empowerment of Kentucky (CARE KY)
- The Healing Place
- The Kentucky Community Action Partnership
- The Morton Center
- The Salvation Army
- The Trevor Project
- Thriving Campus
- Title IX Office
- Transfer and Adult Services
- Transitional and Respite Housing Community Resources
- Undergraduate Advising
- United Way of Kentucky 211
- Unity Recovery
- University Career Center
- University Parking and Transportation Services
- University of Louisville Police Department
- UofL Free Store
- Veteran Services and Resources (Community Resources)
- Video: 10 Quick Anxiety Relief Techniques
- Video: 12 Integral Aspects of Self Esteem
- Video: 5 Tips on How To Handle Harassment in the Workplace
- Video: 6 Tips for Better Sleep
- Video: A History of Homesickness
- Video: Body Positivity or Body Obsession: Learning to See More and Be More by Lindsay Kite
- Video: Breaking the Cycle of Generational Trauma
- Video: Dismantling Microaggressions Through the Power of Connection
- Video: Hazing - It Could Have Been Any of Us
- Video: How A Student Changed Her Study Habits by Setting Goals and Managing Time
- Video: How to Make Friends in College!
- Video: How to Read a Nutrition Label
- Video: How to Start Overcoming Anxiety Step by Step
- Video: Overcoming Fear After Being Stalked
- Video: Prevent Zone Hazing Prevention 101
- Video: Protecting Mental Health in the LGBTQ Community
- Video: Psychology Professor's Viral Study Techniques: A+
- Video: Quick Start Guide to Anxiety Treatment
- Video: The Habits of Highly Successful Students
- Video: The Hidden Dangers of Microaggressions - Not So Little Remarks
- Video: Time Management for Busy People
- Video: Time Management for College Students
- Video: Understanding and Healing from Racial Trauma
- Video: What Happens When You Have a Concussion
- Video: What is Historical Trauma?
- Video: Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid
- Videos: Top TED Talks to get you Motivated to Study
- Voice of Hope
- WEconnect
- Webinar: Taming the Anxious Mind
- Website: 17+ Writing Apps to Brainstorm, Draft, Edit, and Publish Your Work
- Website: ACLU LGBTQ Rights - Know Your Rights
- Website: American Addiction Centers
- Website: American Counseling Association: Depression Resources
- Website: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: LGBTQ+ Support
- Website: American Sexual Health Association Safer Sex Toolbox
- Website: Anti Racism Tools
- Website: Anxiety & Depression Association of America
- Website: Asian Pacific Institute on Gender Based Violence
- Website: Association of American Medical Colleges
- Website: Bankrate
- Website: Bedsider
- Website: Best Colleges: Understanding Sexual Assault on College Campuses
- Website: Better Help Domestic Violence Articles
- Website: Better Help: Anxiety Resources
- Website: Bisexual Resource Center
- Website: Black Trans Advocacy Coalition
- Website: Brain and Life Concussion Site
- Website: CDC: Heads Up Concussion Resources
- Website: CDC: Intimate Partner Violence Prevention
- Website: CDC: Nutrition
- Website: CDC: Stalking
- Website: Center for Loss & Life Transition
- Website: Concussion Legacy Foundation: CTE Resources
- Website: Cyber Crime Support Network
- Website: Dances With Fat
- Website: Domestic Shelters
- Website: Eating Disorder Referral & Information Center
- Website: FORGE: Sexual Violence Resources
- Website: Federal Student Aid
- Website: Financial Terms Glossary
- Website: Find Your Local Food Bank
- Website: First in the Family
- Website: Food Assistance Programs
- Website: GLAAD: Racial Justice Resources
- Website: GLAAD: Transgender Resource Page
- Website: Get Mighty
- Website: Good Therapy: Body Image
- Website: Guide to Grad School Application Fees
- Website: Hazing Prevention Network
- Website: Help and Information for Crime Victims
- Website: Help for Victims Hotlines
- Website: HelpGuide: Coping with Grief & Loss
- Website: Higher Ed Immigration Portal
- Website: Hospice: Grief Resources
- Website: Human Rights Campaign: Transgender Resources
- Website: I'm First
- Website: Joon: Body Image Resources
- Website: Love is Respect
- Website: Mayo Clinic: Concussion Information
- Website: Mayo Clinic: Self Esteem Take Steps to Better Yourself
- Website: Mental Health America
- Website: Mindful Food and Motion: Body Image
- Website: Money Management International
- Website:
- Website: MyPlate
- Website: National Institute of Mental Health: Anxiety
- Website: National Institute of Mental Health: Depression
- Website: National Institute of Mental Health: Thoughts of Suicide
- Website: National Scholarships
- Website: National Sexual Violence Resource Center
- Website:
- Website: RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network): Stalking
- Website: Resources for Undocumented College Students
- Website: SMART recovery
- Website:
- Website: Stop Hazing
- Website: Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Black Mental Health
- Website: Suicide Prevention Resource Center
- Website: Tenant Rights Listed by State
- Website: Tips for Paying Off Student Loans More Easily
- Website: US Food & Drug Administration: Nutrition Education Resources & Materials
- Website: USA Study Abroad
- Website: USA Study Abroad for College and University Students
- Website: Young Men's Health
- Women's Center
- Workbook: The Self Confidence Workbook by Barbara Markway PhD and Celia Ampel
- Writing Center
- Young People in Recovery
- ZeroV